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Heavy   /hˈɛvi/   Listen

Of comparatively great physical weight or density.  "Lead is a heavy metal" , "Heavy mahogany furniture"
Unusually great in degree or quantity or number.  "A heavy fine" , "Heavy casualties" , "Heavy losses" , "Heavy rain" , "Heavy traffic"
Of the military or industry; using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment.  "Heavy infantry" , "A heavy cruiser" , "Heavy guns" , "Heavy industry involves large-scale production of basic products (such as steel) used by other industries"
Marked by great psychological weight; weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness.  "A heavy schedule" , "Heavy news" , "A heavy silence" , "Heavy eyelids"
Usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it.  Synonyms: fleshy, overweight.
(used of soil) compact and fine-grained.  Synonyms: clayey, cloggy.
Darkened by clouds.  Synonyms: lowering, sullen, threatening.
Of great intensity or power or force.  "The fighting was heavy" , "Heavy seas"
(physics, chemistry) being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight.  "Heavy water"
(of an actor or role) being or playing the villain.
Permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter.  Synonyms: dense, impenetrable.  "Heavy fog" , "Impenetrable gloom"
Of relatively large extent and density.
Made of fabric having considerable thickness.
Prodigious.  Synonym: big.  "Big eater" , "Heavy investor"
Full and loud and deep.  Synonym: sonorous.  "A herald chosen for his sonorous voice"
Given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors.  Synonyms: hard, intemperate.
Of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought.  Synonyms: grave, grievous, weighty.  "Faced a grave decision in a time of crisis" , "A grievous fault" , "Heavy matters of state" , "The weighty matters to be discussed at the peace conference"
Slow and laborious because of weight.  Synonyms: lumbering, ponderous.  "Moved with a lumbering sag-bellied trot" , "Ponderous prehistoric beasts" , "A ponderous yawn"
Large and powerful; especially designed for heavy loads or rough work.  "Heavy machinery"
Dense or inadequately leavened and hence likely to cause distress in the alimentary canal.
Sharply inclined.
Full of; bearing great weight.  Synonym: weighed down.  "Vines weighed down with grapes"
Requiring or showing effort.  Synonyms: labored, laboured.  "The subject made for labored reading"
Characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort.  Synonyms: arduous, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, hard, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome.  "A grueling campaign" , "Hard labor" , "Heavy work" , "Heavy going" , "Spent many laborious hours on the project" , "Set a punishing pace"
Lacking lightness or liveliness.  Synonym: leaden.  "A leaden conversation"
(of sleep) deep and complete.  Synonyms: profound, sound, wakeless.  "Fell into a profound sleep" , "A sound sleeper" , "Deep wakeless sleep"
In an advanced stage of pregnancy.  Synonyms: big, enceinte, expectant, gravid, great, large, with child.  "Was great with child"
An actor who plays villainous roles.
A serious (or tragic) role in a play.
Slowly as if burdened by much weight.  Synonym: heavily.

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"Heavy" Quotes from Famous Books

... at a loss what would be the next move. Nevertheless she was greatly surprised when it came. The atmosphere of the house was heavy that day; they did not see Mr. Carlisle in the evening. The next day, when Eleanor went to her father's room after dinner she found, not Mr. Carlisle, but her mother with him. "Waiting for me"—thought Eleanor. ...
— The Old Helmet, Volume II • Susan Warner

... succession of pretty pictures; now a sunny glimpse of the distant lake, then the church spire peeping above the hill, or a flock of sheep feeding in the meadow, a gay procession of young pilgrims winding up the mountain, or a black cloud heavy with a coming storm, welcome because of the glorious rainbow and its shadow ...
— A Garland for Girls • Louisa May Alcott

... lower offices were open to the second and third classes. The latter classes, however, were partially relieved from taxation; but in war they were required to do duty, the one as cavalry, and the other as heavy-armed infantry. ...
— Mosaics of Grecian History • Marcius Willson and Robert Pierpont Willson

... assured us warmly that he had not felt so young in years. He said we had so stirred him up that he must take a book and read or he wouldn't sleep a wink all night. Joe did not come away with us. As we stood all together at the door, I saw Eleanore glance into Dad's study where his heavy leather chair was waiting, and then into the room across the hall where Sue had drawn up two chairs to the fire. And I thought of the next hour or two. My father already had under his arm a book on American shipping, which ...
— The Harbor • Ernest Poole

... of one of the ranges, of the town of Ocotal, the capital of Segovia, with its white walls and red-tiled roofs. Descending a long rocky slope we forded one of the affluents of the Rio Wanks, and half a mile further on arrived at the town, situated on a dry plain. A heavy thunderstorm broke over us as we entered the town, and the rain came down in torrents whilst we were searching for a house to put up at. In answer to our inquiries we were directed to the best house in the town. It was situated at the corner of the plaza, had lofty ...
— The Naturalist in Nicaragua • Thomas Belt

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