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Hasten   /hˈeɪsən/   Listen

(past & past part. hastened; pres. part. hastening)
Act or move at high speed.  Synonyms: festinate, hurry, look sharp, rush.  "Hurry--it's late!"
Move fast.  Synonyms: belt along, bucket along, cannonball along, hie, hotfoot, pelt along, race, rush, rush along, speed, step on it.  "The cars raced down the street"
Speed up the progress of; facilitate.  Synonym: expedite.
Cause to occur rapidly.  Synonyms: induce, rush, stimulate.

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"Hasten" Quotes from Famous Books

... Hasten, these seats prepare For heaven's gentlest god. No strength, no effort spare; With mighty zeal and constant care Do now, my lads, what must be done. When Love commands us—see! What ...
— Psyche • Moliere

... sent word that the gaps were filled with felled timbers and could not be cleared in twenty-four hours. Bragg then ordered Buckner forward to cooperate with Hindman, but there was another fatal halt. To hasten this battle Bragg then moved his headquarters to Lafayette, and ordered more soldiers to this united attack, which was to fall on Negley, who was isolated from the balance of the Fourteenth Army Corps by ...
— An Undivided Union • Oliver Optic

... Mother right," and as they are younger than he, fresher in strength, and with fewer sins on their heads, perchance the Lord will show mercy upon them. And this reply his brethren spake: "Whither the breeze bloweth beneath the sky, thither hasten the dutiful little clouds. When the dark blue eagle summoneth with his voice to the bloody vale of slaughter, summoneth to celebrate the feast, to clear away the dead, to him do the little eaglets wing their flight. Thou art our elder brother, our second father, do what thou see'st fit, and deemest ...
— A Survey of Russian Literature, with Selections • Isabel Florence Hapgood

... the farmer class, I hasten to disclaim for it any especial consideration given it because of its contribution to the welfare of mankind. We are as useful as any other hard-working people, no more and no less. We claim no higher appreciation for muscular effort exerted in swinging the ...
— Village Improvements and Farm Villages • George E. Waring

... Portage and the lake region of northern Minnesota, one of the best of the Northwest Company's fur-trading regions south of the line, and in connection by the Red river with the Canadian river systems.[183] They were rejected by Jay. Secretary Randolph urged him to hasten the removal of the British, stating that the delay asked for, to allow the traders to collect their Indian debts, etc., would have a bad effect upon the Indians, and protesting that free communication for the British would strike deep into our Indian trade.[184] The definitive ...
— The Character and Influence of the Indian Trade in Wisconsin • Frederick Jackson Turner

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