"Grains of paradise" Quotes from Famous Books
... produced in the Goanese but we must go south to find the "Bilad al-Filfil" (home of pepper) i.e. Malabar. The exorbitant prices demanded by Venice for this spice led directly to the discovery of The Cape route by the Portuguese; as the "Grains of Paradise" (Amomum Granum Paradisi) induced the English to ... — The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 6 • Richard F. Burton
... the coast of Guinea where manequeta is gathered" (I. 430). Amomum Melequeta, an herbaceous, reedlike plant, three to five feet high, is found along the coast of Africa, from Sierra Leone to the Congo. Its seeds were called "Grains of Paradise," or maniguetta, and the coast alluded to by Columbus, between Liberia and Cape Palmas, was hence called the Grain Coast. The grains were used as a condiment, like pepper, and in making the ... — The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503 • Various |