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Get over   /gɛt ˈoʊvər/   Listen
Get over

Travel across or pass over.  Synonyms: cover, cross, cut across, cut through, get across, pass over, track, traverse.
To bring (a necessary but unpleasant task) to an end.  "It's a question of getting over an unpleasant task"
Improve in health.  Synonyms: bounce back, get well.
Get on top of; deal with successfully.  Synonyms: master, overcome, subdue, surmount.

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"Get over" Quotes from Famous Books

... Fig. 1. You will find, however, that it is very difficult to get a pale tint; because, naturally, the ink lines necessary to produce a close tint at all, blacken the paper more than you want. You must get over this difficulty not so much by leaving the lines wide apart as by trying to draw them excessively fine, lightly and swiftly; being very cautious in filling in; and, at last, passing the penknife over the whole. By keeping several squares in progress at one time, and reserving your ...
— The Crown of Wild Olive • John Ruskin

... said Mr. Jobling, sternly. "I know how she feels. She can't help herself, but she'll get over it in time. I don't suppose she thinks for a moment we have noticed her—her—her liking for me, and I'm not going to ...
— Short Cruises • W.W. Jacobs

... You know there are a good many old soldiers who are inclined to feel a little jealous when they see a young fellow pushing forward, but if they see he is quiet, and gives himself no airs and is pleasant with every one, they get over it in time; and in your case every one will acknowledge that you deserve all the luck that may fall to you. So be ...
— The Dash for Khartoum - A Tale of Nile Expedition • George Alfred Henty

... and must even talk of other things than the beloved one whom we are about to lose; for we may not escape from our shameful nature. And, eating and drinking, we commented on the news that came hourly from the sickroom: "Mother will not live the week." A few days after, "Mother will hardly get over Sunday"; and the following week, "Mother will not pass the night." Lunch was the meal that shocked me most, and I often thought, "She is dying upstairs while we are ...
— Memoirs of My Dead Life • George Moore

... on his face at this little outburst, whose cause he could not know, she added hastily: "I hope Noel will get over it quickly, and ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

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