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Flood   /fləd/   Listen

The rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land.  Synonyms: alluvion, deluge, inundation.
An overwhelming number or amount.  Synonyms: deluge, inundation, torrent.  "A torrent of abuse"
Light that is a source of artificial illumination having a broad beam; used in photography.  Synonyms: flood lamp, floodlight, photoflood.
A large flow.  Synonyms: outpouring, overflow.
The act of flooding; filling to overflowing.  Synonym: flowage.
The occurrence of incoming water (between a low tide and the following high tide).  Synonyms: flood tide, rising tide.
(past & past part. flooded; pres. part. flooding)
Fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid.  Synonyms: deluge, inundate, swamp.  "The images flooded his mind"
Cover with liquid, usually water.  "The broken vein had flooded blood in her eyes"
Supply with an excess of.  Synonyms: glut, oversupply.  "Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient"
Become filled to overflowing.

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"Flood" Quotes from Famous Books

... thus directed the flood of his democratic eloquence, the married pair, feeling ill at ease, kept silent through a sense of propriety and good-breeding; then the husband tried to turn off the conversation in order to avoid any friction. Joseph Mouradour did not want to know anyone ...
— A Comedy of Marriage & Other Tales • Guy De Maupassant

... Shoo Fly Band is a thing of the past; no more shall we listen to its inspiring music, for the majority of its members have crossed the melancholy flood. The last time that they appeared on the streets of Wilmington only a sextet remained. Dick Stove's trombone horn had been curtailed in order to hide the marks of decay upon its bell. They gallantly marched up Market street, and with a dismal, yet not discordant blast, turned into Fourth, en ...
— Hanover; Or The Persecution of the Lowly - A Story of the Wilmington Massacre. • David Bryant Fulton

... quickly westward, the past came back and overwhelmed him as with a great flood of mingled memories. And it was not, as his mother would probably have visioned it, a muddy spate filled with unclean things. Rather was it a flood of exquisite spring waters, instinct with the buoyant head-long rushes ...
— Studies in love and in terror • Marie Belloc Lowndes

... to America well over three million immigrants. For two decades before 1870 they filtered in at the average rate of about one thousand a year; then the current increased to several thousand a year; and after 1880 it rose to a flood.[42] Over two-thirds of these Italians live in the larger cities; one-fourth of them are crowded into New York tenements.[43] Following in order, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, New Orleans, Cleveland, St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, Portland, ...
— Our Foreigners - A Chronicle of Americans in the Making • Samuel P. Orth

... assuring him she forgave him. Her spirits were in extreme agitation till she saw him a little composed, for she feared his senses were affected; but when her alarm began to abate, the effect of her terrors and her grief appeared in a flood of tears; Mr Alworth found them infectious, and she was obliged to dry them up in order to comfort him. When he grew more composed, Harriot ventured, after expressing her concern for his having conceived so unfortunate a passion, ...
— A Description of Millenium Hall • Sarah Scott

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