noun (pl. flashes) 1.A sudden intense burst of radiant energy. 2.A momentary brightness. 3.A short vivid experience. Synonym: flashing. "The flashings of pain were a warning" 4.A sudden brilliant understanding. 7.A burst of light used to communicate or illuminate. Synonym: flare. 9.A bright patch of color used for decoration or identification. "A flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to" adjective 1.Tastelessly showy. Synonyms: brassy, cheap, flashy, garish, gaudy, gimcrack, loud, meretricious, tacky, tatty, tawdry, trashy. "A flashy ring" , "Garish colors" , "A gaudy costume" , "Loud sport shirts" , "A meretricious yet stylish book" , "Tawdry ornaments" verb (past & past part. flashed; pres. part. flashing) 4.Make known or cause to appear with great speed. 6.Expose or show briefly. 7.Protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal. 8.Emit a brief burst of light.
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