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Fauna   /fˈɔnə/   Listen

(pl. faunae, faunas)
All the animal life in a particular region or period.  Synonym: zoology.  "The zoology of the Pliocene epoch"
A living organism characterized by voluntary movement.  Synonyms: animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature.

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"Fauna" Quotes from Famous Books

... through the wood was long; it lasted the whole day, and so allowed plenty of time for examining the flora and fauna. Top, who took special charge of the fauna, ran through the grass and brushwood, putting up all sorts of game. Herbert and Gideon Spilett killed two kangaroos with bows and arrows, and also an animal which strongly resembled ...
— The Mysterious Island • Jules Verne

... mother, had been an Englishwoman; that he was an enthusiastic naturalist; and that he had chosen the banks of the Congo for his home principally in order that he might be able to study fully and at his leisure the fauna and flora of that little-known region; adding parenthetically that he had found the step not only a thoroughly agreeable but also a fairly profitable one, by doing a little occasional business with the whites who frequented the river on the one hand and with the natives on the other. I thought ...
— The Congo Rovers - A Story of the Slave Squadron • Harry Collingwood

... believed to be new to science; and he eulogised the zoological work of Peron, who had succeeded in bringing to France alive seven kinds of kangaroo, an emu, a lyre-bird and several black swan. Altogether, 18,414 specimens of Australian fauna had been collected, comprised in 3872 species, of which 2592 species were new to the museum. The men of science had "succeeded beyond all our hopes." Their task had been perfectly fulfilled, and their services to ...
— The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders • Ernest Scott

... materials deposited in the sea which once occupied their place. As we go back in time, we meet with constant alternations of sea and land, of estuary and open ocean; and, in correspondence with these alternations, we observe the changes in the fauna and flora ...
— Lectures and Essays • Thomas Henry Huxley

... a great farming section, extending north and south for hundreds of miles in some part of the temperate regions, with a climate and flora and fauna largely resembling those of California. Not once, nor twice, but thousands of different times I journeyed through this dream-region. The point I desire to call attention to was that it was always the same region. No essential feature of it ever differed in the different dreams. Thus it ...
— The Jacket (The Star-Rover) • Jack London

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