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Exert   /ɪgzˈərt/   Listen

(past & past part. exerted; pres. part. exerting)
Put to use.  Synonym: exercise.
Have and exercise.  Synonyms: maintain, wield.
Make a great effort at a mental or physical task.

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"Exert" Quotes from Famous Books

... "You must exert yourself for your own sake, my poor fellow. Come, now, sit up and put all your own clothes together. Collect everything in this room, while I look about the house. And tell me, had not your father some money? ...
— The Children of the New Forest • Captain Marryat

... extraordinary occurrence are plainly not to be sought for so far back as many historians affect to trace them. It is certainly possible, and very probable, that the French Protestants did industriously exert themselves to raise in the Netherlands a nursery for their religion, and to prevent by all means in their power an amicable adjustment of differences between their brethren in the faith in that quarter and the King ...
— The Works of Frederich Schiller in English • Frederich Schiller

... and most successful exchange bankers in New York City, indeed, know less about them than do some of their clerks. What is needed is rather a clear and definite knowledge of the movement of exchange—why it moves as it does, what can be read from its movements, what effects its movements exert on the other markets. It is in the hope that something may be added to the general understanding of these important matters that this little book is offered to ...
— Elements of Foreign Exchange - A Foreign Exchange Primer • Franklin Escher

... however, a wary eye must be kept upon construction. There are shifts innumerable to make cheap furniture that has an alluring appearance, and the variety of design in the moderate-priced materials will lead to confusion for those who do not exert ...
— The Complete Home • Various

... looked up to find her resting her warm, rose-leaf colored cheek on her hand, and concentrating all her attention upon the fire again. She was not inclined to talk when he spoke to her, and indeed had so far shrunk within herself that he found it necessary to exert his powers to their utmost before he could move her to anything like interest in their usual topics of conversation. In fact, her reserve entailed the necessity of a little hazardous warmth of manner being exhibited on his part, and in the end a few more ...
— Vagabondia - 1884 • Frances Hodgson Burnett

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