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Drum   /drəm/   Listen

A musical percussion instrument; usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretched across each end.  Synonyms: membranophone, tympan.
The sound of a drum.
A bulging cylindrical shape; hollow with flat ends.  Synonym: barrel.
A cylindrical metal container used for shipping or storage of liquids.  Synonym: metal drum.
A hollow cast-iron cylinder attached to the wheel that forms part of the brakes.  Synonym: brake drum.
Small to medium-sized bottom-dwelling food and game fishes of shallow coastal and fresh waters that make a drumming noise.  Synonym: drumfish.
(past & past part. drummed; pres. part. drumming)
Make a rhythmic sound.  Synonyms: beat, thrum.  "The drums beat all night"
Play a percussion instrument.
Study intensively, as before an exam.  Synonyms: bone, bone up, cram, get up, grind away, mug up, swot, swot up.

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"Drum" Quotes from Famous Books

... hat, rather like the top of a cabbage-tree in shape. It is much affected by bushmen. A 'billy' is the tin pot in which the bushman boils his tea; a 'pannikin,' the tin bowl out of which he drinks it. A 'waler' is a bushman who is 'on the loaf.' He 'humps his drum,' or 'swag,' and starts on the wallaby track;' i.e., shoulders the bundle containing his worldly belongings, and goes out pleasuring. A 'shanty,' originally a low public-house, now denotes any ...
— Town Life in Australia - 1883 • R. E. N. (Richard) Twopeny

... followed the writhings of the great river, on its tortuous course through wastes of swamp and canebrake, till on the thirteenth of March they found themselves wrapt in a thick fog. Neither shore was visible; but they heard on the right the booming of an Indian drum and the shrill outcries of the war-dance. La Salle at once crossed to the opposite side, where, in less than an hour, his men threw up a rude fort of felled trees. Meanwhile, the fog cleared; and, from the farther bank, the astonished ...
— Great Epochs in American History, Volume I. - Voyages Of Discovery And Early Explorations: 1000 A.D.-1682 • Various

... the lines & every regt. in the brigade on Long Island, exclusive of their quarter & rear guards, are to mount a picket every evening at retreat beating at sun set, consisting of one Capt. 2 Subs, 1 drum & 1 fife & 50 rank & file—they are to lay upon their arms, & be ready to turn ...
— The Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn • Henry P. Johnston

... The writer was soon on friendly terms with Maum Tena, and was told: "As soon as my eye set on you, I see you favor the people I know. My people belonged to Mr. William Venning. The plantation was Remley Point. I couldn't zactly member my pa's name. I member when de war come though. Oh dem drum; I nebber hear such a drum in my life! De people like music; dey didn't care nothing bout de Yankees, but dem bands of music! My mother name Molly Williams. My pa dead long before that. All my people dead. I stayin' here with my youngest sister chile—youngest ...
— Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves • Works Projects Administration

... States, but we believe they are without the moral support of whatever deserves the name of public opinion at home. If not, why does their Congress, as they call it, hold council always with closed doors, like a knot of conspirators? The first tap of the Northern drum dispelled many illusions, and we need no better proof of which ship is sinking than that Mr. Caleb Cushing should have made such haste to come over to the old Constitution, with the stars ...
— The Writings of James Russell Lowell in Prose and Poetry, Volume V - Political Essays • James Russell Lowell

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