"Dm" Quotes from Famous Books
... valew of 500^li. worth of goods abord her; having no occasion at all, or any collour of ground for such a thing, but having made y^e Gov^r drunck, so as he could scarce speake a right word; and when he urged him hear aboute, he answered him, Als 't u beleeft.[DM] So he gat abord, (the cheefe of their men & marchant being ashore,) and with some of his owne men, made y^e rest of theirs waigh anchor, sett sayle, & carry her away towards Virginia. But diverse of y^e Dutch sea-men, which had ... — Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' • William Bradford
... nj oj pj qj rj sj tj uj vj wj xj yj zj B ak bk ck dk ek fk gk hk ik jk kk lk mk nk ok pk qk rk sk tk uk vk wk xk yk zk C al bl cl dl el fl gl hl il jl kl ll ml nl ol pl ql rl sl tl ul vl wl xl yl zl D am bm cm dm em fm gm hm im jm km lm mm nm om pm qm rm sm tm um vm wm xm ym zm E an bn cn dn en fn gn hn in jn kn ln mn nn on pn qn rn sn tn un vn wn xn yn zn F ao bo co do eo fo go ho io jo ko lo mo no oo po qo ro so to uo vo wo xo yo zo G ap bp cp ... — The Treasure-Train • Arthur B. Reeve |