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Disordered   /dɪsˈɔrdərd/   Listen

Thrown into a state of disarray or confusion.  Synonyms: broken, confused, upset.  "A confused mass of papers on the desk" , "The small disordered room" , "With everything so upset"
Lacking orderly continuity.  Synonyms: confused, disconnected, disjointed, garbled, illogical, scattered, unconnected.  "A confused dream about the end of the world" , "Disconnected fragments of a story" , "Scattered thoughts"
Not arranged in order.  Synonym: unordered.


(past & past part. disordered; pres. part. disordering)
Disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed.  Synonyms: cark, disquiet, distract, perturb, trouble, unhinge.
Bring disorder to.  Synonym: disarray.

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"Disordered" Quotes from Famous Books

... ignorant longings now knew to what they tended. After giving me plenty of time to realise all the beauties of her private parts, she slipped down on the floor, adjusted her petticoats, and smoothed the disordered counterpane, and then went to the glass to arrange her hair. This done, she quietly unlocked the door, and Mr. Benson went out. The door was then relocked, and Mrs. B. went to the basin, emptied and filled it, then raised up her petticoats, and ...
— The Romance of Lust - A classic Victorian erotic novel • Anonymous

... history has come from the site which was said to be exhausted; and in place of the disordered confusion of names without any historical connection, which was all that was known from the Mission Amelineau, we now have the complete sequence of kings from the middle of the dynasty before Mena to probably the close of the second ...
— History Of Egypt From 330 B.C. To The Present Time, Volume 12 (of 12) • S. Rappoport

... advancing, he found a slough and ditch in his way; and behind were ranged the enemy armed with spears, and the field on which they stood was fallow ground, broken with ridges which lay across their front, and disordered the movements of the English cavalry. From all these accidents, the shock of this body of horse was feeble and irregular; and as they were received on the points of the Scottish spears, which were longer than the lances of the English horsemen, they were ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part C. - From Henry VII. to Mary • David Hume

... befallen, whereupon he arose and rejoiced and girdled his middle and danced and took the hundred dinars and the piece of silk and laid them up. Then he laid out Nuzhat al-Fuad and did with her as she had done with him; after which he rent his raiment and plucked out his beard and disordered his turban and ran out nor ceased running till he came in to the Caliph, who was sitting in the judgment-hall, and he in this plight, beating his breast. The Caliph asked him, "What aileth thee, O Abu al- Hasan?" ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 1 • Richard F. Burton

... said, I do not discern the purpose of the writer of this paper; but it would be impossible to illustrate more clearly this chronic insanity of infidel thought which makes all nature spectral; while, with exactly correspondent and reflective power, whatever is dreadful or disordered in external things reproduces itself in disease of the human mind affected ...
— On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) - A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature • John Ruskin

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