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Disconcert   /dˌɪskənsˈərt/   Listen

(past & past part. disconcerted; pres. part. disconcerting)
Cause to feel embarrassment.  Synonyms: confuse, flurry, put off.
Cause to lose one's composure.  Synonyms: discomfit, discompose, untune, upset.

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"Disconcert" Quotes from Famous Books

... stronger terms, and with additions equally detestable, which Cheynel attacked with the vehemence which, in so warm a temper, such horrid assertions might naturally excite. The dispute, frequently interrupted by the clamours of the audience, and tumults raised to disconcert Cheynel, who was very unpopular, continued about four hours, and then both the controvertists grew weary, and retired. The presbyterians afterwards thought they should more speedily put an end to the heresies of Earbury by power than by argument; and, by soliciting general ...
— The Works of Samuel Johnson, Vol. 6 - Reviews, Political Tracts, and Lives of Eminent Persons • Samuel Johnson

... flock down cellar the moment he alights from the Gorham train. I should be very sorry to divert the stream of travel into Mr. Hitchcock's dairy, for I am sure any great influx of visitors would sorely disconcert the good genius who presides there, and would be an ill requital for her kindness to us; but it was so novel and pleasant a sight that I am sure she will pardon me for speaking of it ...
— Gala-days • Gail Hamilton

... all women were like you, we poor civilians would not be relegated to the background! I wish, though, I had worn some other costume. This—ahem, dress!—has a tendency to get between my legs and disconcert my philosophical dignity. I can understand why Diogenes didn't care about walking abroad. My only wonder is that everybody didn't stay in his tub in those days. Don't talk to me about the 'noble ...
— The Strollers • Frederic S. Isham

... admitted. The presence of the British Ambassador did not disconcert her. She went to ...
— Princess Maritza • Percy Brebner

... into the darkness in the direction of the advancing masses, thereby making known to all and sundry that the surprise, as a surprise, had failed. This with undisciplined troops was alone enough to disconcert the whole operation; the enemy, instead of advancing, halted, and, taking refuge in the villages, awaited the ...
— The Story of the Guides • G. J. Younghusband

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