"Discolour" Quotes from Famous Books
... of sources, should sometimes seem to bear the character of party-spirit. Should this appear on the face of the record, I can only say that I have avoided entering into politics, in order that no bias of that sort might lead me to discolour or distort the truths I have had occasion to state; and I have totally rejected those communications which, from their tone of bitterness, personality, and virulence, might be incompatible with the general tenour ... — Paris As It Was and As It Is • Francis W. Blagdon
... thoughtfully, as he stared at the long slash that extended from the bottom of the flank upward almost to the backbone—a slash as clean as if executed with a sharp knife, and through which the animal's entrails had protruded and his life blood had gushed to discolour the snow. "What did he do it for?" wondered Connie as he turned from the carcass and proceeded cautiously ... — Connie Morgan in the Fur Country • James B. Hendryx
... same precautions as before, retired from my lodging at a time least exposed to observation. It is unnecessary to describe the particulars of my new equipage; suffice it to say, that one of my cares was to discolour my complexion, and give it the dun and sallow hue which is in most instances characteristic of the tribe to which I assumed to belong; and that when my metamorphosis was finished, I could not, upon the strictest examination, conceive that any one could ... — Caleb Williams - Things As They Are • William Godwin
... When, lo! again—as if with thundering fall Descended to the deep heaven's loosen'd wall, Yells the fierce storm: beneath the furious shock, Torn from its roots, the long-resisting rock Falls prone; the sands, driven by the whirling sweep, Boil up, and darken the discolour'd deep. ... — Gustavus Vasa - and other poems • W. S. Walker |