"Determining factor" Quotes from Famous Books
... 6 relations with Germany were broken by Peru, the determining factor being the torpedoing of the Peruvian vessel "Lorton;" on October 7 the National Assembly of Uruguay voted for a break with Germany, thus completing the attitude which she had frankly declared many months previously, when she protested against ... — Defenders of Democracy • Militia of Mercy
... lazy of gesture, waits, and does his work from behind, when no man looketh, gracefully and without offence. Their ends are one; the difference lies in their ways, and therein the climate, and the cumulative effect thereof, is the determining factor. Both are sinners, as men born of women have ever been; but the one does his sin openly, in the clear sight of God; the other—as though God could not see—veils his iniquity with shimmering fancies, hiding it like it were ... — A Daughter of the Snows • Jack London
... cultures of these germs failed to reproduce the typical form of the disease. They, however, are of great significance in connection with the pathological changes occurring in connection with the infection and probably are the determining factor in the course of the disease. They exert their action after the animal has already been attacked by the true virus, and then produce the inflammatory changes attributed to these ... — Special Report on Diseases of the Horse • United States Department of Agriculture
... between France and Germany. The Entente of 1904, the agreement of 1906, the Moroccan interests of Britain (much more important than those of Germany), and the interests of the other powers of the Algeciras Conference, were to count for nothing. Germany's voice must be the determining factor. But Germany announced that she was willing to be bought off by large concessions of French territory elsewhere—provided that Britain was not allowed to have anything to say: provided, that is, that the agreement of 1904 was scrapped. This ... — The Expansion of Europe - The Culmination of Modern History • Ramsay Muir
... possession nor honestly submit her claims to the only possible arbiter, the Tsar of Russia. Finding herself one against two, she tried a coup de main on both fronts, failed, and brought on a second Balkan war, in which a new determining factor, Rumania, intervened at a critical moment to decide the issue against her. The Ottoman armies recovered nearly all they had lost in eastern and central Thrace, including Adrianople, almost without firing a shot, and were not ill pleased to ... — The Balkans - A History Of Bulgaria--Serbia--Greece--Rumania--Turkey • Nevill Forbes, Arnold J. Toynbee, D. Mitrany, D.G. Hogarth |