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Describe   /dɪskrˈaɪb/   Listen

(past & past part. described; pres. part. describing)
Give a description of.  Synonyms: depict, draw.
To give an account or representation of in words.  Synonyms: account, report.
Make a mark or lines on a surface.  Synonyms: delineate, draw, line, trace.  "Trace the outline of a figure in the sand"
Identify as in botany or biology, for example.  Synonyms: discover, distinguish, identify, key, key out, name.

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"Describe" Quotes from Famous Books

... whether thought is capable of generating impulses in the etheric medium I would refer him to the experiment mentioned in Chapter XIV of my "Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science," where I describe how, when operating with Dr. Baraduc's biometer, I found that the needle revolved through a smaller or large arc of the circle, in response to my mental intention of concentrating a smaller or larger degree of force upon it. Perhaps you will say ...
— The Law and the Word • Thomas Troward

... met him, he was feeling more wretched even than usual. He had never hitherto been a weak or undecided man, but now he was completely limp—there was no other word to describe his condition. Antonia's firmness compelled him to obey her, and he found himself against his will in Nora's company. Nora was not his favourite child; she was not like Molly to him, nor like Nell and Boris, still she was one of his children, and his heart throbbed ...
— Red Rose and Tiger Lily - or, In a Wider World • L. T. Meade

... deg. in the smaller streams. The trout are generally small, but in the more remote branches their number is very great. In such localities the fish are quite black, but in the lakes they are of a lustre and brilliancy impossible to describe. ...
— Wake-Robin • John Burroughs

... the middle ages will scarce bear detailed description in these modern days; the condition of filth and squalor of the lower cells, often almost without air, and reeking with pestilential vapours, baffles words in which to describe it. To be sure, persons in daily life were used to conditions which would now be condemned as hopelessly insanitary, and were not so susceptible and squeamish as we have since become. The ordinary state of some of the poorer students' halls in Oxford appears to us as simply disgusting; ...
— For the Faith • Evelyn Everett-Green

... of recent times which will repay consideration has been aptly termed "muck-raking." Mr. Roosevelt took the word from Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" to describe the irresponsible and slanderous attacks upon public officials, which were made merely for the purpose of selling the wares of penny-a-liners. To eliminate corporations from politics and to bring them under government control, as I have ...
— Ethics in Service • William Howard Taft

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