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Deluge   /dˈɛljudʒ/   Listen

An overwhelming number or amount.  Synonyms: flood, inundation, torrent.  "A torrent of abuse"
A heavy rain.  Synonyms: cloudburst, downpour, pelter, soaker, torrent, waterspout.
The rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land.  Synonyms: alluvion, flood, inundation.
(past & past part. deluged; pres. part. deluging)
Fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid.  Synonyms: flood, inundate, swamp.  "The images flooded his mind"
Charge someone with too many tasks.  Synonyms: flood out, overwhelm.
Fill or cover completely, usually with water.  Synonyms: inundate, submerge.

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"Deluge" Quotes from Famous Books

... thus, after this deluge of snow, and the increase of cold which it foreboded, that each one, whether officer or soldier, either preserved or lost his fortitude, according to his disposition, age, or constitution; while he who of all our leaders had hitherto been the most strict in enforcing ...
— The Two Great Retreats of History • George Grote

... true that the expression of the uncomplex mind is infrequently articulate, but the record which would bring home the clearest truth would be the one unpremeditatedly depicting the effect produced upon the wholly unprepared and undramatic personality by the monstrous drama, as the Second Deluge rose for its apparent overwhelming, carrying upon its flood old civilisations broken from anchor and half submerged as they tossed on the rising and raging waves. Such a priceless treasure as this might have been the ...
— Robin • Frances Hodgson Burnett

... was a Lyndsay, and died before the Flood. A deluge, at least, has gone over me and my world since I looked on the face ...
— What Will He Do With It, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... of split seconds, Captain Charlie Warrington rode, as the French say, belly-to-the-earth, and the fact that the monsoon chose that instant to let pour another Noah's deluge seemed to make no difference at all to his ardor or the pace to which ...
— Winds of the World • Talbot Mundy

... Above the cornice the walls are entirely sheeted with golden mosaics, representing, as usual, Scripture history. The series which begins, like the speech of the Intendant in "Les Plaideurs," "Avant la creation du monde" complies with the wish of (the judge?) by going on to the Deluge, in a train of singularly meagre figures, most haggard of whom is Cain, here represented (as in the Campo Santo of Pisa) receiving his death accidentally from the hand of Lamech. In the passage of the beasts to the Ark, Noah coaxes ...
— Atlantic Monthly Volume 6, No. 34, August, 1860 • Various

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