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Delirious   /dɪlˈɪriəs/   Listen

Experiencing delirium.  Synonym: hallucinating.
Marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion.  Synonyms: excited, frantic, mad, unrestrained.  "Something frantic in their gaiety" , "A mad whirl of pleasure"

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"Delirious" Quotes from Famous Books

... quickness, of unusual sensitiveness of spirit; yet she has thought out this woeful question differently from the great majority of her sex. To her, thirsty for sympathy and love, bound to a man who gives her neither, grown feverish and delirious with the torment of an empty heart, it has seemed that the sanctity of a second marriage will somehow cover the ...
— Not Pretty, But Precious • John Hay, et al.

... march from Africa to Gaul to the victorious processions of Dionysus from continent to continent, and had a cup—none of the smallest—manufactured for his use after the model of that of Bacchus. There was just as much of hope as of gratitude in this delirious enthusiasm of the people, which might well have led astray a man of colder blood and more mature political experience. The work of Marius seemed to his admirers by no means finished. The wretched government oppressed the ...
— The History of Rome (Volumes 1-5) • Theodor Mommsen

... (reveille) vekigxo. Walk marsxi, promeni. Walk (path) aleo. Walking stick bastono. Wall muro. Wallet sako, tornistro. Wallow ruligxi, ensxlimigxi. Walnut juglando. Walrus rosmaro. Waltz valso. Wan pala, palega. Wand vergo, vergego. Wander erari, vagi. Wander (be delirious) deliri. Wanderer nomadulo, vagisto. Wandering nomada, eraranta. Wane ekfinigxi. Wanness paleco. Want seneco, mizerego. Want (need, require) bezoni. Wanton malica. War milito—ado. Warble pepi. Warbler pepulo, silvio. Ward (guard) gardi, prizorgi. ...
— English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes

... man has a blazing red face, dry, burning hot skin; agitated heart; snoring breathing; a high fever, and is unconscious and delirious. What is the matter? The part of the brain which regulates the heat of the body is overcome by the heat and loses control,—the man is entirely too hot ...
— Manual of Military Training - Second, Revised Edition • James A. Moss

... Raguet," said Peters, wiping his face surreptitiously with the backs of his hands. When his visitor had left he turned over and sank into a half-delirious doze that lasted until the sun sank with appalling suddenness, and night rushed over the land. Tossing upon his bed, all through the velvet darkness he was dimly conscious, through his delirious dreams, of tom-toms beaten in the bush. His throat was parched, and in his ...
— Golden Stories - A Selection of the Best Fiction by the Foremost Writers • Various

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