"Dearie" Quotes from Famous Books
... said, and the parents would surely make a search for it and pay any one well for looking after it, so Jerome said he'd take it. Just at that time I had a baby the same age. So I was well able to feed both you two mites. There, dearie, that was how I came ... — Nobody's Boy - Sans Famille • Hector Malot
... "Well, dearie," returned her mother, "the sooner you are dressed the sooner the secret will come. See, I am nearly ready ... — A Sweet Little Maid • Amy E. Blanchard
... "He's a man, dearie, and a good one. He may be untrammeled by convention, but he is clean and brave. He has eyes that look through cowardice and treachery, fine strong eyes that are honest ... — A Texas Ranger • William MacLeod Raine
... brought me some, and I ran off into the berth to write it, hoping that I should be there undisturbed. I had great difficulty in penning the letter; and while I was kneeling down at the chest, old Growles came in and mocked at me, and another fellow asked me whether I was sending a love-letter to my dearie, and a third gave me a knock on the elbow, which spattered the ink over the paper and nearly upset the ink-bottle. Still I ... — Dick Cheveley - His Adventures and Misadventures • W. H. G. Kingston
... "Dearie me; you'll pardon me saying so, but your nails are in a perfectly turrible state. I don't think I've seen a jumpman's nails in such a state for ever so long. Pardon me again—but how long has it been since ... — Cobb's Anatomy • Irvin S. Cobb