"Crude" Quotes from Famous Books
... book could be produced. England is the home of lost ideas. As for that great and daily increasing school of novelists for whom the sun always rises in the East-End, the only thing that can be said about them is that they find life crude, and ... — Intentions • Oscar Wilde
... is fundamentally the same the world over; that is, people are swayed by the same motives, such as love, hate, fear, and the like. Another reason for this similarity is the fact that nations borrowed stories from other nations, changing the names and circumstances. Writers of power took old and crude stories and made of them matchless tales which endure in their new form, e.g. Hawthorne's Rappaccini's Daughter. Finally the present day dawned and with it what ... — The Short-story • William Patterson Atkinson
... voices, husky from neglect and crude from lack of culture, joined in the chorus, with a heartiness that shook ... — Bruvver Jim's Baby • Philip Verrill Mighels
... qualities, whatever they may amount to, did not blind this lady long to the fact of my being after all a very ordinary individual, and she told me so—not in these crude words, indeed, but nicely and kindly—whereupon, in a burst of gratitude to her for understanding me, I appointed myself her honorary aide-de- camp on the spot, and her sincere admirer I shall remain for ever, fully recognising that her courage in going to the Coast was far greater than my own, ... — Travels in West Africa • Mary H. Kingsley
... then the stream of crude petroleum was turned into a channel whence it flowed into a reservoir. It ... — Jack Ranger's Western Trip - From Boarding School to Ranch and Range • Clarence Young