"Cringing" Quotes from Famous Books
... he had taken away all her courage, together with that nickel-plated symbol, she started back, almost cringing in a ... — Nobody • Louis Joseph Vance
... pronounced, Essex spoke like a man who expected nothing but death; but he added, that he should be sorry if he were represented to the queen as a person that despised her clemency; though he should not, he believed, make any cringing submissions to obtain it. Southampton's behavior was more mild and submissive; he entreated the good offices of the peers in so modest and becoming a manner, as excited compassion in ... — The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. - From Elizabeth to James I. • David Hume
... disposition to be submissive and cringing, circumstances occurred which compelled these Phoenicians to adopt a more energetic policy. The stream of Hellenic migration was pouring ceaselessly towards the west: it had already dislodged the Phoenicians from Greece proper and Italy, and it was preparing to supplant them also in Sicily, ... — The History of Rome (Volumes 1-5) • Theodor Mommsen
... her exasperation. He gave a feeble squeak and she pushed him roughly down. Animals to her were a nuisance. She disliked them if she had any feeling at all. But Fou-Chow was an adjunct to her toilet sometimes, and was a coveted possession, envied by her many female friends. His tiny, cringing body irritated her though extremely when she was not using him for effect, and he was often kicked and ... — The Price of Things • Elinor Glyn
... your Majesty," said a low cringing voice, approaching, "this man is in the walk against orders. There is some mistake, may it please your Majesty. Quit the walk, blockhead," ... — Israel Potter • Herman Melville