noun 2.A narrow opening. Synonym: gap. 4.A sudden sharp noise. Synonyms: cracking, snap. "He heard the cracking of the ice" , "He can hear the snap of a twig" 5.A chance to do something. Synonym: shot. 7.A blemish resulting from a break without complete separation of the parts. 8.A purified and potent form of cocaine that is smoked rather than snorted; highly addictive. Synonyms: crack cocaine, tornado. verb (past & past part. cracked; pres. part. cracking) 1.Become fractured; break or crack on the surface only. Synonyms: break, check. 2.Make a very sharp explosive sound. 3.Make a sharp sound. Synonym: snap. 4.Hit forcefully; deal a hard blow, making a cracking noise. 6.Break partially but keep its integrity. 7.Break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension. Synonym: snap. 8.Gain unauthorized access computers with malicious intentions. "Crack a safe" 11.Cause to become cracked. 12.Reduce (petroleum) to a simpler compound by cracking. 13.Break into simpler molecules by means of heat. adjective 1.Of the highest quality. Synonyms: A-one, ace, first-rate, super, tiptop, top-notch, topnotch, tops. "A crack shot" , "A first-rate golfer" , "A super party" , "Played top-notch tennis" , "An athlete in tiptop condition" , "She is absolutely tops"
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