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Cornered   /kˈɔrnərd/   Listen

Forced to turn and face attackers.  Synonyms: at bay, trapped, treed.  "She had me cornered between the porch and her car" , "Like a trapped animal"


(past & past part. cornered; pres. part. cornering)
Gain control over.
Force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape.  Synonym: tree.
Turn a corner.

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"Cornered" Quotes from Famous Books

... gentleman of the old school, he clung to many of the fashions of a by-gone period with a pertinacity, which, to the eyes of the thoughtless, savored somewhat of the ludicrous. It was only of late years that he relinquished his three-cornered hat; to breeches, buckles, and hair powder he adhered to the last. He was also partial to pigtails, though his earliest was shorn from his head by a dangerous rival, who cut him out of the good graces of Miss Polly ...
— The Three Brides, Love in a Cottage, and Other Tales • Francis A. Durivage

... first discretionary, and then, as the reports were confirmed, more imperative—to blockade the eastern port. Though the commander of the Flying Squadron received the latter orders on the 23d, he had seen smoke in Cienfuegos harbor and still believed he had Cervera cornered there. Accordingly he delayed until evening of the next day. Then, after reaching Santiago, he cabled on the 27th that he was returning to Key West to coal, though he had a collier with him and stringent orders to the contrary; and it ...
— A History of Sea Power • William Oliver Stevens and Allan Westcott

... worn the famous municipal three-cornered hat, which you may still see here and there on the head of the towncrier in out-of-the-way places. His breeches and waistcoat were of greenish velveteen, and he wore an old-fashioned brown greatcoat, gray cotton stockings, and shoes with silver buckles to them. This ...
— Lost Illusions • Honore De Balzac

... day of crusader and heroic deed! How he crowded in traits of perfected manhood in the conqueror, simple trust in the serf, to colour and weaken his argument, not seeing that he weakened it! How, when he thought he had cornered the Doctor, he would colour and laugh like a boy, then suddenly check himself, lest he might wound him! A curious laugh, genial, cheery,—bubbling out of his weak voice in a way that put you in mind of some old and rare wine. ...
— Margret Howth, A Story of To-day • Rebecca Harding Davis

... associated himself at once with Shakespeare and Tupper and the great literary or "littery folks", never emerges from the poet's department in the paper in which unconsciously and forever he has been cornered. It would be a grim Puritan jest if that department had been named from the corner of the famous dead in ...
— Literary and Social Essays • George William Curtis

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