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Contrarily   Listen

In a contrary disobedient manner.  Synonyms: contrariwise, perversely.
Contrary to expectations.  Synonyms: contrariwise, on the contrary, to the contrary.

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"Contrarily" Quotes from Famous Books

... deuell entred his place. And there neuer was countrie, mother of moe swarmes of people, then that part of Arabia, that he, and his, chase to be theirs. So greate a mischief did the vntymely banishemente of one manne, bring to the whole. Contrarily the progenie of Iapheth, and Sem, brought vp to full yeres vndre their elders, and rightly enstructed: contentyng them selues with a litle circuite, straied not so wide as this brother had doen. Whereby it chaunced that the zeale of the truthe, (I meane of good liuyng and true worshippe ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries - Vol. II • Richard Hakluyt

... in most parts couered with snow euen all the Sommer long. The Norther lands haue lesse store of snow, more grasse, and are more plaine Countreys: the cause whereof may be, for that the Souther Ilands receiue all the snow, that the cold winds and piercing ayre bring out of the North. And contrarily, the North parts receiue more warme blasts of milder ayre from the South, whereupon may grow the cause why the people couet to inhabit more vpon the North parts then the South, as farre as we yet by our experience perceiue they doe. [Sidenote: The people of Meta Incognita like vnto Samoeds.] ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I. • Richard Hakluyt

... a precarious game. Perchance there is as strong a will as thine, compelling the Hathors contrarily to thine own desires. ...
— The Yoke - A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children - of Israel from the Bondage of Egypt • Elizabeth Miller

... upon my own mind has been just the reverse of this. The more that my life disappointed me, the more solemn and wonderful it became to me. It seemed, contrarily to Pope's saying, that the vanity of it WAS indeed given in vain; but that there was something behind the veil of it, which was not vanity. It became to me not a painted cloud, but a terrible and impenetrable one: not a mirage, which vanished as I drew near, ...
— Sesame and Lilies • John Ruskin

... for the Change of the Moons Diameter in the Eclipses of the Sun, according to the places, where they should happen, and according to the Hour and Height, the Moon should have. For, what hapned in that Eclipse of Augmentation, would have faln out contrarily, if it had been in the Evening; for, the Moon, which in that Eclipse, that began in the Morning, was higher about the end than at the beginning, was nearer us, and consequently was to appear bigger: But if the Eclipse should happen in the Evening, she ...
— Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - Vol 1 - 1666 • Various

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