"Connective" Quotes from Famous Books
... desired to understand its activities, he would have to classify its tissues at far greater length and with far more minuteness than I am using here. He would have to learn the differences between muscular, nervous, glandular, bony, cartilaginous, epithelial, connective, tissues, and all their varieties; and if he rebelled, in his ignorance, against such an elaborate division, it would be explained to him that only by such an analysis of the different components of the body can ... — Death--and After? • Annie Besant
... contriving these alterations he is inconsistent with his own professions. He makes the parts of speech eight, thus: "1. The name or noun; 2. The pronoun or substitute; 3. The adjective, attribute, or attributive; 4. The verb; 5. The adverb; 6. The preposition; 7. The connective or conjunction; 8. The exclamation or interjection." In his Rudiments of English Grammar, published in 1811, "to unfold the true principles of the language," his parts of speech were seven; "viz. 1. Names or nouns; 2. Substitutes or pronouns; ... — The Grammar of English Grammars • Goold Brown
... the 'was', or 'is', ought to be rendered positively, or objectively, and not as a mere connective: 'The Word Is God', and saith, 'I Am the Lord; there is no God besides me', the Supreme Being, 'Deitas objectiva'. The Father saith, 'I Am ... — Coleridge's Literary Remains, Volume 4. • Samuel Taylor Coleridge
... ["I go because I must"]. The word speaks is less clearly a relational word; at first thought it would seem to have only the office of picturing an activity. That it also fills the office of a connective will be evident if we compare the following sentences: He speaks in public. He is a public speaker. It is evident that speaks contains in itself the naming value represented in the word speaker, but also has the connecting office ... — Composition-Rhetoric • Stratton D. Brooks
... medium.] Connection — N. vinculum, link; connective, connection; junction &c 43; bond of union, copula, hyphen, intermedium^; bracket; bridge, stepping-stone, isthmus. bond, tendon, tendril; fiber; cord, cordage; riband, ribbon, rope, guy, cable, line, halser^, hawser, painter, moorings, wire, chain; ... — Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget