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Chop   /tʃɑp/   Listen

The irregular motion of waves (usually caused by wind blowing in a direction opposite to the tide).
A small cut of meat including part of a rib.
A jaw.
A tennis return made with a downward motion that puts backspin on the ball.  Synonym: chop shot.
A grounder that bounces high in the air.  Synonym: chopper.
(past & past part. chopped; pres. part. chopping)
Cut into pieces.  Synonym: chop up.  "Chop meat"
Move suddenly.
Form or shape by chopping.
Strike sharply, as in some sports.
Cut with a hacking tool.  Synonym: hack.
Hit sharply.

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"Chop" Quotes from Famous Books

... because he was curious to see the goat, and because he would not have to chop the wood. He agreed at once to spare the tree, whereupon the bark separated and a goat stepped out. Juan commanded it to shake its whiskers, and when the money began to drop he was so delighted that he took the animal and started home to show ...
— Philippine Folk Tales • Mabel Cook Cole

... The chop-laden Joe passed on. I mended my pace, and soon found myself on the outskirts of Dill's premises. I had been there before; we had all been there before. Dill had a daughter. I saw her now in a sunbonnet and laced boots. I may say at once that Betsy Dill was very pretty, in ...
— Frivolous Cupid • Anthony Hope

... Calliope made little excuses to pass near each of them, with now a touch of the hand and now a pat on a shoulder, and all the while she talked briskly of ways and means and recipes, and should there be onions in the dressing or should there not be? We took a vote on this and were about to chop the onions in when Mis' Holcomb's little maid arrived at my kitchen door with a bowl of oysters which Mis' Holcomb had had left from the 'scallop, an' wouldn't we like 'em in the stuffin'? Roast turkey stuffed with oysters! I saw Libbie Liberty's eyes brighten ...
— Friendship Village • Zona Gale

... Antoine succeeded him in business. He was a fat little man, rubicund and expansive, clean-shaven, except for his mutton-chop whiskers, and he spoke quickly and with a slight stutter, in a loud voice, accompanying his remarks with little quick, curt gestures. He had not his father's grasp of finance: but he was quite a good manager. He had only to look after the established undertakings, which went on developing day by ...
— Jean Christophe: In Paris - The Market-Place, Antoinette, The House • Romain Rolland

... the men busy at the stove while I sweep the floor. Our food is a great object of interest to us, and we are ravenously hungry now that we have only two meals a day. About sundown each goes forth to his "chores"—Mr. K. to chop wood, Mr. B. to haul water, I to wash the milk pans and water the horses. On Saturday the men shot a deer, and on going for it to-day they found nothing but the hind legs, and following a track which ...
— A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains • Isabella L. Bird

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