noun 1.An impetuous rush toward someone or something. "The battle began with a cavalry charge" 2.(criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense. Synonym: complaint. 3.The price charged for some article or service. 4.The quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative) and construed as an excess or deficiency of electrons. Synonym: electric charge. 6.A special assignment that is given to a person or group. Synonyms: commission, mission. "His charge was deliver a message" 7.A person committed to your care. 8.Financial liabilities (such as a tax). 9.(psychoanalysis) the libidinal energy invested in some idea or person or object. Synonym: cathexis. 10.The swift release of a store of affective force. Synonyms: bang, boot, flush, kick, rush, thrill. "What a boot!" , "He got a quick rush from injecting heroin" , "He does it for kicks" 11.Request for payment of a debt. Synonym: billing. 12.A formal statement of a command or injunction to do something. Synonyms: commission, direction. 13.An assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence. Synonym: accusation. verb (past & past part. charged; pres. part. charging) 1.To make a rush at or sudden attack upon, as in battle. Synonym: bear down. 2.Blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against. Synonym: accuse. 3.Demand payment. Synonym: bill. "We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel, although we stayed only 3 nights" 5.Assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to. Synonym: appoint. "She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance" 6.File a formal charge against. Synonyms: file, lodge. 7.Make an accusatory claim. 8.Fill or load to capacity. 9.Enter a certain amount as a charge. 11.Give over to another for care or safekeeping. Synonym: consign. 12.Pay with a credit card; pay with plastic money; postpone payment by recording a purchase as a debt. 13.Lie down on command, of hunting dogs. 15.Place a heraldic bearing on. 16.Provide (a device) with something necessary. Synonym: load. "Load the camera" 17.Direct into a position for use. Synonyms: level, point. "He charged his weapon at me" 18.Impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to. Synonyms: burden, saddle. 19.Instruct (a jury) about the law, its application, and the weighing of evidence. 20.Instruct or command with authority. 21.Attribute responsibility to. Synonym: blame. "The tragedy was charged to her inexperience" 22.Set or ask for a certain price. "This fellow charges $100 for a massage" 23.Cause formation of a net electrical charge in or on. 24.Energize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge.
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