"Carnal" Quotes from Famous Books
... year; so that I found myself constantly involved in a labyrinth of deceit, from which it was impossible to extricate myself. If I knew a person to be a godly one, I could almost have kissed his feet; but, against the carnal portion of mankind, I set my face continually. I esteemed the true ministers of the gospel; but the prelatic party, and the preachers up of good works I abhorred, and to this hour I account them the worst and ... — The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner • James Hogg
... authority manifested by their elders everywhere. Continence in meat and drink is another branch of instruction, and they have no better aid in this than, first, the example of their elders, who never withdraw to satisfy their carnal cravings until those in authority dismiss them, and next, the rule that the boys must take their food, not with their mother but with their master, and not till the governor gives the sign. They bring from home the staple of their meal, dry bread with ... — Cyropaedia - The Education Of Cyrus • Xenophon
... night-gown rich Phantasia trails, Olinda wears one shift, and pares no nails: Some in C——l's Cabinet each act display, When nature in a transport dies away: Some more refin'd transcribe their Opera-loves On Iv'ry Tablets, or in clean white Gloves: Some of Platonic, some of carnal Taste, Hoop'd, or un-hoop'd, ungarter'd, or unlac'd. Thus thick in Air the wing'd Creation play, When vernal Phoebus rouls the Light away, A motley race, half Insects and half Fowls, Loose-tail'd and dirty, May-flies, Bats, ... — An Essay on Satire, Particularly on the Dunciad • Walter Harte
... phil'ter, a love-charm. sen'su al, carnal. great'er, larger. coun'cil, an assembly. gra'ter, that which grates. coun'sel, advice. ho'ly, sacred; pure. can'vas, a kind of coarse cloth. whol'ly, entirely. can'vass, to discuss. mar'tin, a bird. crew'el, worsted yarn. mar'ten, ... — McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book • W. H. McGuffey
... travelers were nothing loth to stretch their chilled limbs before the great fire prepared in readiness for their arrival, and to partake heartily of the well ordered refreshments which their host had caused to be in waiting. Having satisfied the carnal man, they were the more willing to turn to the spiritual repast which had drawn them together; for in each mind the conviction was strong that in plotting against the King they were but ... — The Fifth of November - A Romance of the Stuarts • Charles S. Bentley