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Buy at   /baɪ æt/   Listen
Buy at

Do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of.  Synonyms: frequent, patronise, patronize, shop, shop at, sponsor.

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"Buy at" Quotes from Famous Books

... a license of those engaging in such dealing, make issuance of a license dependent on a public officer's being satisfied of the good repute of the applicants, and permit him, subject to judicial review of his findings, to revoke the same.[309] A State may forbid the giving of options to sell or buy at a future time any grain or other commodity.[310] It may also forbid sales on margin for future delivery;[311] and may prohibit the keeping of places where stocks, grain, etc., are sold but not paid for at the time, unless a record of the same be made and a stamp ...
— The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation • Edward Corwin

... mean who have been and are still with us); that all the young fellows growing up at Kohimarama must have educated wives provided for them, and that I must therefore take away many young girls with me to Norfolk Island. The fashion here is to buy at an early age young girls for their sons, though occasionally a girl may be found not already betrothed, but almost grown up. I now say, "I want to train up wives for my sons," and the fashion of the place allows of my buying or appropriating them. You would be amused ...
— Life of John Coleridge Patteson • Charlotte M. Yonge

... broke up, he would come and give them more, which he did at one o'clock in the morning. I don't think you will laugh much less at what happened to me: I wanted a print out of a booth, which I did not care to buy at Osborn's shop: the next day he sent me the print, and begged that when I had any thing to ...
— The Letters of Horace Walpole, Volume 2 • Horace Walpole

... of his coat, which almost nips him in two at the waist, and his superlatively well-cleaned leather Andersons,[2] together with the perfume and the general puppyism of his appearance, proclaim that he is a "swell" of the very first water, and one that a Surrey sportsman would like to buy at his own price and sell at the other's. In addition to this, his boots, which his "fellow" has just denuded from a pair of wash-leather covers, are of the finest, brightest, blackest patent leather imaginable; the left one being the identical boot by which Warren's monkey shaved ...
— Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities • Robert Smith Surtees

... You scatter round the market and buy up every stick of clear two-inch spruce sawed and on hand at the Northern mills. Buy at the market, but do not hesitate to go five dollars over the market if necessary to get the stock. Then place orders for all the clear spruce the mills can cut and deliver within the next six months, and we'll have ...
— Cappy Ricks Retires • Peter B. Kyne

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