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Bung   /bəŋ/   Listen

(past & past part. bunged; pres. part. bunging)
Give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on.  Synonyms: fee, tip.  "Fee the steward"
Close with a cork or stopper.
A plug used to close a hole in a barrel or flask.  Synonym: spile.

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"Bung" Quotes from Famous Books

... world in the last night of the fifty-second year, and that he would never come back. They offered sacrifices to him at that time to propitiate him; they extinguished all the fires in the kingdom; they broke all their household furniture; they bung black masks before their faces; they prayed and fasted; and on the evening of the last night they formed a great procession to a neighboring mountain. A human being was sacrificed exactly at midnight; a block of wood was laid at once on the body, and fire was then produced by rapidly revolving ...
— The Antediluvian World • Ignatius Donnelly

... Kersies: but against the next yeere, if occasion serue, wee will send you a greater quantitie, according as you shall aduise vs: One of the pipes of seckes that is in the Swallow, which hath 2 round compasses upon the bung, is to be presented to the Emperour: for it is special good. The nete waight of the 10 puncheons of prunes is 4300. 2 thirds 1 pound. It is written particularly vpon the head of euery puncheon: and the nete weight of the fatte of almonds ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, • Richard Hakluyt

... got a big bung-hole in her zomewhere, and he must pole her along into a deep part, and take the bung out, and let her fill and zink. Then he zinks ...
— Nic Revel - A White Slave's Adventures in Alligator Land • George Manville Fenn

... their painful lack of physical attractions. "Educational Quartettes" were played in exactly the same way. At the age of six, I played them every night with my sisters and brother, and the set we habitually used was "English Ecclesiastical Architecture." In lieu of Mr. Bung the Brewer, we had "Norman Style, 1066-1145." Mrs. Bung was replaced by "Massive Columns," Miss Bung by "Round Arches," Master Bung by "Dog-tooth Mouldings," each one with its picture. The next Quartette was "Early English, 1189-1307." No. 2 being "Clustered Columns," No. 3 "Pointed Arches," No. ...
— Here, There And Everywhere • Lord Frederic Hamilton

... to think of that now," replied the sailor. "But I will tell you this for your encouragement: You won't see any horns and hoofs if you do just as you are told. But if you begin lying, you'll see and hear some things that will make your eyes bung out as big as my fist. Crawl over, Marcy, and I will hand ...
— Marcy The Blockade Runner • Harry Castlemon

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