noun 1.A person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible. Synonyms: crumb, dirty dog, git, lowlife, puke, rat, rotter, scum bag, skunk, so-and-so, stinker, stinkpot. "Kill the rat" , "Throw the bum out" , "You cowardly little pukes!" , "The British call a contemptible person a 'git'" 2.A disreputable vagrant. Synonyms: hobo, tramp. "He tried to help the really down-and-out bums" 4.The fleshy part of the human body that you sit on. Synonyms: arse, ass, backside, behind, bottom, buns, butt, buttocks, can, derriere, fanny, fundament, hind end, hindquarters, keister, nates, posterior, prat, rear, rear end, rump, seat, stern, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush. "Are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?" verb (past & past part. bummed; pres. part. bumming) 2.Be lazy or idle. Synonyms: arse about, arse around, bum about, bum around, frig around, fuck off, loaf, loll, loll around, lounge about, lounge around, waste one's time. adjective
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