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Blanket   /blˈæŋkət/  /blˈæŋkɪt/   Listen

Bedding that keeps a person warm in bed.  Synonym: cover.
Anything that covers.  Synonym: mantle.
A layer of lead surrounding the highly reactive core of a nuclear reactor.
(past & past part. blanketed; pres. part. blanketing)
Cover as if with a blanket.
Form a blanket-like cover (over).
Broad in scope or content.  Synonyms: across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, broad, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, wide.  "An all-embracing definition" , "Blanket sanctions against human-rights violators" , "An invention with broad applications" , "A panoptic study of Soviet nationality" , "Granted him wide powers"

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"Blanket" Quotes from Famous Books

... rum for fifty muskrat skins! A horn of powder for a bear's is not enough; A whole winter's hunting for some blanket stuff— Ugh!" said the Sewee Chief, "The ...
— Carolina Chansons - Legends of the Low Country • DuBose Heyward and Hervey Allen

... does, what can this mean?" groaned the young engineer, sinking back to the rough blanket, weak as a rag under the revelation of this ...
— Five Thousand Dollars Reward • Frank Pinkerton

... eyes. But the unhappy woman's expression changed, and she looked down kindly on Melissa. She quietly set the lamp on the table, and then, as the cool nightbreeze blew in through the open window, to which there was no shutter, she tenderly wrapped the white woolen blanket round Melissa, and muttered to herself, "She liked ...
— Uarda • Georg Ebers

... improved state of things. "Now, Alice," said he cheerfully, "do you and Poopy set about spreading our blanket tablecloth, and getting supper laid out. It is but a poor one,—hard biscuit and water,—but there is plenty of it, and, after all, that is the main thing. Meanwhile, Corrie and I will saunter along shore and talk over our plans. Cheer up, my little girl; we will ...
— Gascoyne, The Sandal Wood Trader - A Tale of the Pacific • R. M. Ballantyne

... would reply soothingly patting him on the shoulder, "I'm not going into the story of the pink blanket. You can always trust to my discretion. But I would like just to remember her name. It was so peculiar,—a name I never ...
— The Burglar and the Blizzard • Alice Duer Miller

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