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Assume   /əsˈum/   Listen

(past & past part. assumed; pres. part. assuming)
Take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof.  Synonyms: presume, take for granted.
Take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities.  Synonyms: adopt, take on, take over.
Take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect.  Synonyms: acquire, adopt, take, take on.  "The story took a new turn" , "He adopted an air of superiority" , "She assumed strange manners" , "The gods assume human or animal form in these fables"
Take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person.  Synonyms: accept, bear, take over.  "She agreed to bear the responsibility"
Occupy or take on.  Synonyms: strike, take, take up.  "She took her seat on the stage" , "We took our seats in the orchestra" , "She took up her position behind the tree" , "Strike a pose"
Seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession.  Synonyms: arrogate, seize, take over, usurp.  "He usurped my rights" , "She seized control of the throne after her husband died"
Make a pretence of.  Synonyms: feign, sham, simulate.  "He feigned sleep"
Take up someone's soul into heaven.
Put clothing on one's body.  Synonyms: don, get into, put on, wear.  "He put on his best suit for the wedding" , "The princess donned a long blue dress" , "The queen assumed the stately robes" , "He got into his jeans"

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"Assume" Quotes from Famous Books

... There was a lamp burning on the table, and on a bench by the wall of the room, which was lined with colored stucco, lay the helmet, the centurion's staff, and the other portions of the armor which Phoebicius had taken off before setting out for the feast of Mithras, in order to assume the vestments of one of the initiated of ...
— Uarda • Georg Ebers

... the poetic element in poetry. I must be here content to say that in my opinion it implies rather a limitation than a fundamental error. Johnson errs in supposing that his logical tests are at all adequate; but it is, I think, a still greater error to assume that poetry has no connexion, because it has not this kind of connexion, with philosophy. His criticism has always a meaning, and in the case of works belonging to his own school a very sound meaning. When he is speaking of other ...
— Samuel Johnson • Leslie Stephen

... Paris dawned clear and beautiful. It was the Fourth of July. 'Tain't often I do it, but I put my cameo pin on before breakfast, thinkin' that I could not assume too much grandeur for the occasion. The pin wuz clasped over a little bow of red, white and blue, and in that bow and gray alpacky dress I looked exceedingly ...
— Around the World with Josiah Allen's Wife • Marietta Holley

... no longer feign ignorance of your meaning, father," replied Magde, with a visible effort to suppress her anger. "It is true that in words, and even in actions, he has conducted himself with more presumption than he would have dared to assume last winter; but fear not, I well know how to protect the honor ...
— The Home in the Valley • Emilie F. Carlen

... all the exertions of her partisans. Aware of her power over the King, and believing that this divorce from Marguerite once obtained, she should find little difficulty in overcoming all other obstacles, she was unguarded enough prematurely to assume the state and pretensions of the regality to which she aspired, affecting airs of patronage towards the greatest ladies of the Court, and lavishing the most profuse promises upon the sycophants and flatterers by whom she was surrounded. The infatuation of the King, whose passion ...
— The Life of Marie de Medicis, Vol. 1 (of 3) • Julia Pardoe

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