"Arched" Quotes from Famous Books
... it was undergoing, the Nautilus sank still deeper. I could feel its sheet-iron plates trembling down to their riveted joins; metal bars arched; bulkheads groaned; the lounge windows seemed to be warping inward under the water's pressure. And this whole sturdy mechanism would surely have given way, if, as its captain had said, it weren't capable of ... — 20000 Leagues Under the Seas • Jules Verne
... and ask him to stay with me till he can get something else to do." Sewell's eyebrows arched themselves involuntarily. "Sibyl has gone to New York for a fortnight; I shall be quite alone in the house, and I shall be very glad of his company," she explained to the eyebrows, while ignoring them. Her chin quivered a little, as she added, "I shall be proud of his company. I wish him to understand ... — The Minister's Charge • William D. Howells
... mast. He could not reach it; but the gardener took the pole, and after failing once or twice, managed to push and poke at the basket till he got it so near that the dairy-maid and nurse reached it with their hands, and pulled it to the bank. It was only covered with a few arched sticks, over which a white ... — Adventure of a Kite • Harriet Myrtle
... healthy young girl who has gone through the expanding process without pausing at the awkward stage, due no doubt to her life and training. Firm, well-rounded hips; a small waist, full chest and perfect shoulders, straight, exquisitely modeled limbs and high, arched insteps: perfect in girlhood, with promise of the divine at ... — The Rose in the Ring • George Barr McCutcheon
... arch, with the roadway above it, was inadmissible, since the waterway would be seriously obstructed; the special form illustrated was, therefore, carried into execution. The bridge, as will be seen from Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 7, consists of two main arched girders, with two vertical sides in lattice work; these arches spring below the level of the roadway and rise to a considerable height above it, in the center. The horizontal girders carrying the roadway, are connected to the arches by verticals of the form and section shown in the ... — Scientific American Supplement, No. 492, June 6, 1885 • Various