"Approve" Quotes from Famous Books
... paid for, Abraid, started, Accompted, counted, Accorded, agreed, Accordment, agreement, Acquit, repay, Actually, actively, Adoubted, afraid, Advision, vision, Afeard, afraid, Afterdeal, disadvantage, Againsay, retract, Aknown, known, Aligement, alleviation, Allegeance, alleviation, Allow, approve, Almeries, chests, Alther, gen. pl., of all, Amounted, mounted, Anealed, anointed, Anguishly, in pain, Anon, at once, Apair, weaken, Apparelled, fitted up, Appeach, impeach, Appealed, challenged, accused, Appertices, displays, Araged, enraged, ; confused, ... — Le Morte D'Arthur, Volume II (of II) - King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table • Thomas Malory
... settles all; they'll find no helper there, And if—without a head—the body should rebel, Convulsive throes I mock, and nerveless fury quell. Whate'er ensues the Emperor must approve, I shall have done my part, and win his love. Here ... — Polyuecte • Pierre Corneille
... on as before; I can't advise you better." Now, this was a deep stroke of mine; for up to the present moment I do not know what treatment they were practising; but it looked a shrewd thing to guess it, and it certainly was civil to approve of it. ... — The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Vol. 2 • Charles James Lever
... you To the wrong, and tempt you sore To defy the voice within you Till it, grieved, will speak no more,— {322} Do not hesitate to tell them You cannot their ways approve. Do not yield to their enticements; Tell ... — Mother Truth's Melodies - Common Sense For Children • Mrs. E. P. Miller
... a barge in a strong seaway, the omnibus crossed Seventh Avenue and sped downhill toward Sixth with dangerous momentum. Shortly, however, this began to be modified by the brakes, a precaution against mishap which even the fugitive must approve. Ahead loomed the gaunt structure of the Sixth Avenue "L," bridging the roadway at so low an elevation as to afford the omnibus little more than clear headroom. Once beneath it a single bounce up from the surface-car tracks must mean ... — The False Faces • Vance, Louis Joseph