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Advanced   /ədvˈænst/   Listen

Farther along in physical or mental development.  "Children in the advanced classes in elementary school read far above grade average"
Comparatively late in a course of development.  "An advanced state of exhaustion"
Ahead of the times.  Synonyms: forward-looking, innovative, modern.  "Had advanced views on the subject" , "A forward-looking corporation" , "Is British industry innovative enough?"
At a higher level in training or knowledge or skill.  "An advanced text in physics" , "Special seminars for small groups of advanced students at the University"
Ahead in development; complex or intricate.  Synonym: sophisticated.  "A sophisticated electronic control system"
Far along in time.  Synonym: ripe.  "Advanced in years" , "A ripe old age" , "The ripe age of 90"
(of societies) highly developed especially in technology or industry.  "An advanced country technologically"
Situated ahead or going before.  Synonyms: advance, in advance.  "At that time the most advanced outpost was still east of the Rockies"


(past & past part. advanced; pres. part. advancing)
Move forward, also in the metaphorical sense.  Synonyms: go on, march on, move on, pass on, progress.
Bring forward for consideration or acceptance.  Synonym: throw out.
Increase or raise.  Synonyms: boost, supercharge.
Contribute to the progress or growth of.  Synonyms: boost, encourage, further, promote.
Cause to move forward.  Synonym: bring forward.
Obtain advantages, such as points, etc..  Synonyms: gain, gain ground, get ahead, make headway, pull ahead, win.  "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"
Develop in a positive way.  Synonyms: come along, come on, get along, get on, progress, shape up.  "My plants are coming along" , "Plans are shaping up"
Develop further.
Give a promotion to or assign to a higher position.  Synonyms: elevate, kick upstairs, promote, raise, upgrade.  "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms" , "I got promoted after many years of hard work"
Pay in advance.
Move forward.  Synonym: set ahead.
Rise in rate or price.  Synonym: gain.

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... Castries. Fast as fire-flash Lameth replies, "Tout a l'heure, On the instant, then!" And so, as the shades of dusk thicken in that Bois-de-Boulogne, we behold two men with lion-look, with alert attitude, side foremost, right foot advanced; flourishing and thrusting, stoccado and passado, in tierce and quart; intent to skewer one another. See, with most skewering purpose, headlong Lameth, with his whole weight, makes a furious lunge; but deft Castries whisks aside: Lameth skewers only the air,—and ...
— The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle

... emergency shews how very unwise we were to shelve that report. Unluckily, what with the wounded vanity of the majority of the Commission, who had been played off the stage by Mrs. Sidney Webb; the folly of the younger journalists of the advanced guard, who had just then rediscovered Herbert Spencer's mare's nest of "the servile State," and revolted with all the petulant anarchism of the literary profession against the ideal Interfering Female as typified in their heated imaginations by poor Mrs. Sidney Webb, ...
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— The Secret of the Night • Gaston Leroux

... paces distant; through the darkness, and in the midst of the rain, he fled on with the speed of youth. The girl lingered an instant, sighed, then laughed aloud; closed and re-barred the door, and was creeping back, when from the inner entrance advanced the grim father, and another man, of broad, short, sinewy frame, his arms bare, and wielding a ...
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... it i' time," sed Bob, "it nobbut cost ten an sixpence, an when aw get mi wage advanced ...
— Yorkshire Tales. Third Series - Amusing sketches of Yorkshire Life in the Yorkshire Dialect • John Hartley

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