"A lot" Quotes from Famous Books
... rainy Saturday morning, a week later, "it's such a bad day we can't do anything outdoors, so we'd better sharpen up the tools; there's a lot ... — Hidden Treasure • John Thomas Simpson
... mate. Tell him to call all hands and get a lot of that sugar forrard—put her ten inches by ... — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain
... damned one of them—burned out. What were they, after all? A lot of living dynamos. Dynamotors—rather. And all of a sudden they had too much juice turned on. Bang ... — The Metal Monster • A. Merritt
... did play with the old place! It came rushing up the forsaken alley with a sound like the feet of a hurrying crowd of people who stopped suddenly at the door. I felt as if a lot of curious folk had arranged themselves just outside and were staring up at my windows. Then they took to their heels again and fled whispering and laughing down the lane, only, however, to return with the next gust ... — Masterpieces of Mystery, Vol. 1 (of 4) - Ghost Stories • Various
... are willin' enough. You see they're not men that have getten a livin' by idling aforetime; they're workin' men, but they're strange to this job, an' one cannot expect 'em to work like trained honds, no moor than one could expect a lot o' navvies to work weel at factory wark. Oh, they done middlin', tak 'em one with another." I now asked him if he had not had some trouble with the men at first. "Well," said he, "I had at first, an' that's the ... — Home-Life of the Lancashire Factory Folk during the Cotton Famine • Edwin Waugh