"Sn" Quotes from Famous Books
... de Febrero de 1836 anos D. Antonio Rodriguez Arenas Pbro. con licencia del infrascrito Cura de la Parroquial de Sn. Lorenzo de Sevilla: bautizo solemnemente a Gustavo Adolfo que nacio en 17 de dicho mes y ano hijo de Jose Dominguez Vequer (sic) y Dona Juaquina (sic) Bastida su legitima mujer. Fue su madrina Dona Manuela Monchay vecina de la collacion de ... — Legends, Tales and Poems • Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
... corrections have been made for obvious typographical errors; they have been noted individually. Superscripts in the original are indicated by the ^ character. Side notes are enclosed in brackets and preceded with SN, thus [SN: side note]. Footnotes are numbered with the page on which ... — A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654, Vol II. • Bulstrode Whitelocke
... 1763 that Louisiana was ceded, by France, to Spain. In the year 1800, it was yielded back to France, under Napoleon, by a secret article in the treaty of Sn. Ildefonso. It had now become a matter of infinite moment to the United States that the great Republic should have undisputed command of the Mississippi, from its source to its mouth. President Jefferson instructed our Minister at Paris, Robert Livingston, to negotiate ... — Daniel Boone - The Pioneer of Kentucky • John S. C. Abbott
... kr vd rth bl lv mp ln pr zd nth fl lt mf rn rp gd thz vl ld mt nt rb bz thr tl ls md nd rf vz thn dl lz mz ns rv dz lch sl lk pn nz rt gz rch zl lg fn pr rd nk nch kl lm vn br rz ks ndg(j) gl ln tn fr rk kt shr lp rm dn tr rg st ndg lb sm sn dr bd ... — The American Union Speaker • John D. Philbrick
... second third of the body). (From Boveri) a aorta (here double), b atrium, c chorda, co umlaut coeloma (body-cavity), e endostyl (hypobranchial groove), g gonads (ovaries), kb gill-arches, kd branchial gut, l liver-tube (on the right, one-sided), m muscles, n renal canals, r spinal cord, sn spinal nerves, ... — The Evolution of Man, V.2 • Ernst Haeckel |