"Mot" Quotes from Famous Books
... Abbe Brigaud, folding his papers, "here is the first savant on record who has been known to make a bon-mot. It is true that he ... — The Conspirators - The Chevalier d'Harmental • Alexandre Dumas (Pere)
... qui m'assure autant qu'elle m'honore! Un intrt pressant veut que je vous implore. J'attends ou mon malheur ou ma flicit; Et tout dpend, Seigneur, de votre volont. Un mot de votre bouche, en terminant mes peines, Peut rendre Esther heureuse entre toutes les ... — Esther • Jean Racine
... serious matters are viewed by an honest, enlightened, and devout scientific man. To solve the mysteries of the universe, as the French lady required a philosopher to explain his new system, "dans un mot," is beyond ... — Darwiniana - Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism • Asa Gray
... vous le mot prefere, Marguerite?" asked Miss Marlett, who had heard the word, and who neglected no chance ... — The Mark Of Cain • Andrew Lang
... lint paa Handi, Aa, giv eg var ein Vott paa denne Handi at eg fekk strjuka Kinni den.—Ho talar.— Aa tala meir, Ljos-Engel, med du lyser so klaart i denne Natti kring mitt Hovud, som naar dat kem ein utfloygd Himmels Sending mot Folk, som keika seg og stira beint upp med undrarsame kvit-snudd' Augo mot han, naar han skrid um dan seinleg-sigand' Skyi og sigler ... — An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway • Martin Brown Ruud