"Doomsday" Quotes from Famous Books
... water is exactly what is wanted; it is not cold to the part; it is very possibly warm, on the contrary, for these terms are relative, and if it does not melt and let the heat in, or is not taken away, the part will remain frozen up until doomsday. Now the treatment of a frozen limb by heat, in large or small quantities, is ... — Medical Essays • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
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... parson's fees, and clerk's fees; and wedding-dinner, and dancing, and drinking; and then, doctor's fees, and nurse's fees, and children without end! That is ruin!" thought Hans—"without end!" The fifty dollars and the Buergermeistership—they might wait till doomsday. ... — Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Volume 1, No. 4, September, 1850 • Various
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... have a perfect right to ask him, Leslie," she answered seriously. "His coming can make no possible difference to you. Frankly, I like him, but that makes no difference to my love for you. Why, you dear, silly thing, if he asked me from now till Doomsday I wouldn't marry him. He's just a real good friend. But still, if it will please you, I don't mind admitting that mother insisted on his coming, and that I had nothing to do with it. That is why I call him mother's flame. Now, then, take that ugly frown off your face ... — The Hound From The North • Ridgwell Cullum
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... King Saul's madness, which was relieved by David's harp playing. This is certainly to the point, and may well have been in Shakespeare's mind. [See George Herbert's poem, 'Doomsday,' verse 2.] ... — Shakespeare and Music - With Illustrations from the Music of the 16th and 17th centuries • Edward W. Naylor
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... no sooner gone, than Bang began to shoot out his horns a bit. "I say, Tom, ask the Don to let us have a drop of something hot, will you, a tumbler of hot brandy and water after the waltzing, eh? I don't see the bedroom candles yet." Nor would he, if we had sat there till doomsday. Campana seemed to have understood Bang, the brandy was immediately forthcoming, and we drew in to the table to enjoy ourselves, Bang waxing talkative. "Now what odd names,— why, what a strange office it must be for his Majesty of Spain to employ at every port ... — Tom Cringle's Log • Michael Scott
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