"170" Quotes from Famous Books
... level of the sea. The third, the mean temperature by Fahrenheit's thermometer. The fourth, the average time required to commence bearing. The fifth, the number of plants in a Spanish "fanegada" of 170 varras, about 153 square yards. The sixth, the average duration of each plant. The seventh, the average produce of each plant in ... — The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom • P. L. Simmonds
... currish, and stupid nature. No wonder that club law prevailed for centuries over Europe; the wonder rather is that enough good remained in the veins of Europeans to enable their race to rise to its very moderate level of natural morality."[170] ... — Religion & Sex - Studies in the Pathology of Religious Development • Chapman Cohen
... destitute or at least open to hardship without employment there, and that the audiences would take offense at such unprofessional and selfish behavior from their "servants." The "Town," as her own play The Rehearsal (I.i. 159-170) shows, was always her judge in ... — The Case of Mrs. Clive • Catherine Clive
... James Ross find in the Southern Continent two active volcanoes, Erebus and Terror by name, in longitude 170 degrees and latitude 78 degrees? Why then shouldn't there be volcanoes ... — The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras • Jules Verne
... star, the amount of heat which falls upon it from the great centre is enough each day to melt, if it all could be put to such work, about eight thousand cubic miles of ice. Yet the earth receives only 1/2,170,000,000 part of the solar radiation. The greater part of this solar heat—in fact, we may say nearly all of it—slips by the few and relatively small planets and disappears ... — Outlines of the Earth's History - A Popular Study in Physiography • Nathaniel Southgate Shaler